It’s in the curiosity, intimacy can be born.
How to be open to opportunity and actually receive your life.
with our lives, with people, with ourselves, with our art, with our children…
requires presence
If you want to lead an intimate life,
if you want to be sensitive to the magic around you,
if you want to feel magnetic to opportunity and experiences of joy
Get present and allow the depth of an intimate moment to penetrate you.
A peak of the essay below
“One plate spins while another falls to the ground. Hopefully it’s grass, so the plate doesn’t smash. Or maybe you’re a clever mum, unlike me and have paper plates. I have a bit of a handcrafted ceramic plate… mug… everything obsession. Not kid friendly - at all.”
“The times I’ve felt disconnected to the magic of life, and what’s available for me moment to moment… Were always, always the times I felt disconnected to myself and avoided being intimate with my truth. Even if that feeling was grief, anger, resentment, numbness… And even if it didn’t even make sense.”
“Here I am, Dreaming of the worlds I wan to create, rather than the worlds I want to run from.
Anchoring in possibility
rather than signing up for another lap around an anxious, heady or uninspired cycle. “
“Therefore when it shows up at your door, disguised as a creative idea, a life plan plot twist, a human being, etc - It’s no longer rejected (often without realising).
The impostor syndrome doesn’t breathe here so well.
Your body doesn’t retract at more good and beautiful things. “
Come and explore below xx