This season of conception
Hello friends, big one today! I had a coffee and let the hyperfocus’ness take me.
Which means it may be time for your coffee/ tea/ substack read sesh.
I know this comes into your emails… again though 10/10 recommend getting the sub stack app. It’s so nice to use, and to be able to scroll through writers you love, like a little library.
Thanks for being patient with me while we moved back across the country (from 2 months of traveling).
We had our truck arrive yesterday with a handful of special things for us, and spent the last week sorting and unpacking things we had in storage here in Queensland.
I feel like I’m just landing back into my body for the first time in months to be honest. It feels good. Hello me!
But I’m also tired.
I’ll get my iron checked next week, when I was pregnant with Raf my ferritin levels dropped to 1, and though this pregnancy I feel a lot more nourished, I can’t tell if my body needs more support or if I’m just experiencing the back end of some burn out.
In this publication I’d LOVE to share the conception story of this little baby… and who they are… (Yes we found out haha)
Our pre-conception looked quite different in comparison to my first pregnancy also, and I know many of you followed that journey closely.
For those of you who maybe missed how we prepared physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally… as a couple and individually to become parents in the first place - we recorded a podcast episode about it.
It was a big journey, I experienced having to navigate grief and resentment while I was waiting for Tully to “get ready” to be a dad. We both had our own paths to walk.
This baby was different, In some ways we were a lot more relaxed, but also grounded. I’ll share more below, as this conception journey began “officially” 10 months prior to conceiving.
It also included one early miscarriage, that I will speak into briefly, and the willingness for us to pivot and redirect our energy a few times.
I’ll also tell the story of the night of conception, for no other reason than to share because I’m the sort of person who enjoys reading about these sorts of intimate moments from others, and to have it documented.
Before I begin,
I want to share about enrolments to Liberating love Relationship Mastery, and the Self Leadership Launch pad for men.
Obviously these are Tullys offerings though I’ve witnessed over the years MANY of the couples, women or men who work with Tully and have life altering experiences, have come through me sharing about it and letting your know they exist and are available for you to come and be apart of.
It feels unnatural for me to not share
LIBERATING LOVE 4 month long online RELATIONSHIP MASTERY program has opened for enrolments.
You can access it worldwide, and it’s a mix of incredible professionally filmed classes, worksheets, and live group QNA/ Coaching sessions, for men, women and also together as a couple.
You DON’T need to be a parent to participate, though if you are thinking about parenthood, or have kids, I HIGHLY recommend taking a look at the link.
The impact that our intimate relationships have on our children has brought me to my knees and had me bawl my eyes out more times than I can count. In both inspiring ways and confronting ways.
It’s a big deal.
I’d also like to mention also - you don’t have to be in a heterosexual relationship to participate though naturally, even though Tul has spent a long time studying and refining,
He is still primarily guiding the course towards couples of men and women. There has been, however, a handful of same sex couples complete the course and absolutely loved it - as all of the content is applicable to human beings regardless of orientation.
Anyway - here’s the link to read more about the course structure, each module, and what you will get out of doing the course with your partner.
Hearing testimonials is moving and to see what sort of change couples are able to make (and maintain) from the beginning to 4 months later - is honestly incredible and much of it almost seems impossible.
Couples going from being separated, to madly in love,
Couples feeling directionless and in Groundhog Day each day - to feeling inspired, and grounded in their vision together and the direction of their lives together.
Couples going from a 2/10 to a 8/10 in their intimacy and sex lives…
Couples swimming in the on-flow that a connected relationship offers the rest of the family, the kids, the lightness in the home.
Click here to read more, and please feel free to message Tully if you have questions or even if you need an altered payment plan.
He also has his “Self leadership launch pad” open for enrolments for MEN which is a 10 week online experience designed specifically to initiate men into their next evolution of leadership within themselves, their families and their purpose driven work in the world.
I know most of you reading this are women, but I also know that you have brothers, lovers, fathers, friends who may really benefit from this.
Men from all walks of life have participated and received huge value, shifted the entire trajectory of their lives.
Men can fill out an application initially to see if the program would be a fit for them.
The Intake begins July 2nd 2023
Okay, Now that everyone is upto date - lets dive into the conception story…