Hello friends!

I’m Kat.

Welcome to all the Mothers, The Makers, and the Mystics to this cosy corner of the internet.

I hope you have tea, and I hope you are comfortable. I find substack to be an overall nourishing experience as a mother and enjoy the slow reads, and the indulgence in stories here, rather than the fast paced content creation of other social medias.

I’m a multidimensional woman with a thousand faces, passions, secret interests and not so secret interests.

Though more practically, I’m an Australian creative, living in the Noosa Hinterland of QLD Australia with my husband Tully, and my two littles… and our six chickens. Hattie, Elma, Daisy, Maple, Orange and FluffyMello.

You’re invited to join our thriving symposium for the Mothers, the Mystics and the Makers.

We explore soulful business, creativity, motherhood, philosophy and more as we find our rhythm between mothering and making.

Your lap of luxury in the form of weekly essays, A delicious interview series, recommendation and celebration posts, guest posts, soon to be online workshops and more.

Read this if you want to feel into being in this space x

"An open letter to mother creatives"

I write with a flavour of curiosity, exploration and dancing with you into optimism.

Here you’ll find a written interview series for the mother makers called “Sundays are for mothers” which is a nourishing exploration of the mother creatives and how they show up for both their art (in whatever form) and families. Think of it like the Substack version of a magazine interview. A comprehensive peek behind the curtains at the realities of the mother makers. These are published bi-weekly on a Sunday.

The first one is here "Sundays are for mothers" with Madeline Harris

I also have a Guest Writer series featuring guest writers on all sorts of topics within motherhood and creativity that is published once a month. These are designed to be a space to showcase other writers on a diverse range of topics within motherhood and creativity.

You can read here: "My son drew me naked" Guest article 03

Outside of this, I have a monthly round up called The Mother Maker Cauldron filled with Essays I’ve enjoyed reading that month, some creatives I’m celebrating (both on and off substack), things I’m excited by, and things you should know about. Alongside any important updates. These are great for you if you are looking to network and connect with other creatives AND an opportunity to get featured.

And on WEDNESDAYS, you can expect an essay from yours truly, which are long form deep dives into relevant topics within the mothering, womanhood, creativity space. These act as deep dive explorations of entrepreneurship, soulful business, creativity in relation to practicalities and the energetic relationships we hold with creativity. I also include personal storytelling to guide through different concepts.

These are more behind the scenes style insights.

Online Workshops

Commencing in 2024 I’ll be offering a monthly online workshop, hosted by myself or a guest speaker. These will revolve around soulful business, exploring our relationships to creativity, energetic work, trying other modalities (Think, water colour workshop online, or storytelling workshops etc), and online events (Spoken word poetry nights, co-work heart storm sessions etc). Alongside live trainings on more specific topics. These will be included in your subscription as a paid subscriber, and any that are public, will be heavily discounted for you too.

For those who subscribe as free readers

Welcome, I’m so happy to have you here.

You’ll get access to 1-2 (Wednesday) Essays a month, and the Monthly Mother Maker Cauldron. Along side the complete library of any free essays over the last 12 or so months.

For those who choose to upgrade into the paid community here

Thank you, I’m excited to get to know you deeper.

  • You’ll have access to 3-4 (Wednesday) Essays a month,

  • The Mother Maker Cauldron (free)

  • The entire, exclusive “Sundays are for Mothers” Written interview series, which arrive in your inbox bi-weekly on a Sunday.

  • A Full archive of all (80+) free and paywalled essays over the last 12 or so months

  • All guest articles.

  • Access to monthly workshops (Via Zoom, and the replay) which will be commencing in 2024. These workshops will be all on creative explorations. You’ll also receive discounts to any public online events & workshops.

Upgrading to a paid subscription averages to about $2.25aud a week.

Less than half a coffee, to come and be apart of bigger conversations, community, and read a really unique take on the creative world for mothers.

If you have found the information you need, you can go ahead and subscribe and start your journey with us here.

If you’re still curious about who I am, This is the about me page - So here you go.

My past lives over the last 10 years have looked like

Entering the entrepreneurial and personal development world very young, and though many learnings were beyond valuable, I’ve also spent a lot of time deconstructing the exact same teachings in order to come home to simplicity in my heart and life.

Heartbreak, falling in love, finding myself. I traveled, found myself eat pray love style, as many of us do.

I facilitated women circles, and communities. Some failing. Some a thriving success. I’ve learned a lot.

I aimed to create in the online space, as I believed it would offer me spaciousness to become a mother one day.

I co-created many beautiful things, from live events, to online programs, called in many dream homes over the years, established thriving heart centered community, a delicious marriage with my husband Tully, six figure businesses alongside my creative pursuits, and also making art for arts sake.

I moved into couples work with my husband Tully and worked with hundreds and hundreds of couples from around the world in making room in their lives for a thriving relationship, and unpacking the rest. This was incredibly enjoyable work and I only stepped back as personal priorities shifted with motherhood though my husband Tully hosts a substack publication here called

that you can also subscribe to.

I decided the honesty in my heart wanted to be a writer, and though documenting consistently online for over 10 years, I feel like I’ve found my feet here on Substack.

I became a mother, to my beautiful son Rafi in 2020, and my second son Ren in August 2023. I currently have a full notebook, filled with ideas of both in person and online events for parents, mothers, women. Think an event space, ceremony, art, experiences that move us.

These will come in time.

I believe motherhood is one of the deepest spiritual and emotional journeys a woman goes on. One of the most sacred rites of passage there is and one that happens without a lot of awareness or education.

I believe motherhood, sensuality, mothering creative children, feeling alive in our bodies, all goes hand in hand. Our inner deaths and rebirths are the creative pulse that shapes our families and as mothers we are the anchor points for the home.

I believe our children initiate us into integrating our shadows and liberating our joy in life - if we allow it.

I believe that all the personal growth, self helpy stuff really doesn’t need to be so deep and serious. Like of course it can be - We are spiritual in nature, but to simplify it all by just having fun, laughing often, and twerking when we get the chance is enough. Self inquiry is important but never to the point of being dogmatic, or rigid in our experience of life. I vouch for staying curious and staying fluid in our identity if possible - It allows for more magic.

Many things excite me, and I expect i’ll pursue a lot of different endeavours in this lifetime…

Some of those being


Facilitating community spaces/ events

Dancing to a really good beat, barefoot, in the jungle, with a lot of people around.

Natural building, earth/cob house design.

Childhood education through life schooling/ unschooling and educating through experience over textbooks

Intimate relationships, friendships, community, the human experience but together.

Birth, motherhood, parenthood, spirit babies, conscious conception, pregnancy and beyond.

Entrepreneurial pursuits, money, wealth, creative ideas, energetic blueprints of business, and art.

Cultivating atmospheres through our energetic environments

(being somewhat of a sensualist, visual aesthetics, smells, sounds, feelings of a space are so important to me and I find it interesting to explore the energetics of a home/ event/ experience)

Kinesiology, bodywork and honest healing modalities.

Home making and curating nourishing nests for family to thrive.

and more…

Some pivotal moments of my life being….

I was raised as the eldest of 7 kids, between a little farm hidden in the valleys of South Western Australia, filled with stunning eucalyptus trees, kangaroos and my pet lamb called Mirabu, two pet rats, dog, and geese…. and then on the Cocos Keeling Islands, lost somewhere in the Indian ocean with white sand up to the front doors of the beach shacks, crystal blue water, coconut replaced the blood moving around our body… and the pet geese became pet hermit crabs.

Homesteading hobby farm in the south west of western australia. Rolling hills, mist in the valley, with green grass
Our little farm in the South West of Western Australia
Cocos keeling islands, palm trees and crystal blue water from birds eye perspective.
The Cluster of Cocos Keeling Islands off the coast of Western Australia

  1. My mother sent me to “the Journey” - a very spiritual two day workshop when I was 9 years old. That was the first time I remember experiencing passing balls of energy to others, burning fears after walking through a spiral, and creating a practice to nurture my intuition. It was also the first time I felt seen in some of my psychic awareness that I would later learn to integrate into my everyday life.

  2. I remember at 14, working in my dads mandarin orchard on the farm. He’d pay me $3 a kg of mandarins picked by hand. Every day after school I’d go and pick, and before long I’d made $500 so that I could attend an intuitive training in the city where I was walking women double and triple my age through past life regressions, and many other experiences I can barely explain.

  3. At 14, my parents sold the farm, and flew the 7 of us (Ranging from 14 down to 4 months old) over the ocean to the USA, bought a 31ft RV, squeezed us all into it.

  4. At 15, & 16 I traveled to Bali alone with my little brother to attend a summer camp on a scholarship. 50 kids from around the world all meeting at the green school in Bali & cultivating team building skills, developing self leadership skills, and expanding creativity and the ability to be innovative with thought and the expression of that in the world.

I share those 4 moments because they felt really pivotal for me in my younger years and changed the course of my life and gave me confidence in myself and who I am.

Other key moments being

  1. Witnessing my smallest sister be born. I was 14. I had begged mum for months to let me be at the birth. The morning she went into labour she invited me to come and I had possibly never been more excited in my entire life.

  2. Previously beginning a Network Marketing business when I was almost 17, which lead me to be able to purchase a $54,000 motorhome with an ex boyfriend of mine & travel across Australia hosting events & speaking at gigs. This company is also where I met my now husband Tully, though we aren’t involved in network marketing anymore.

  3. Moving to Bali at 18, and going from the hustle into deep receptivity for the first time since I was a child. Meeting myself properly, and spending most of my waking moments in a hot sweaty mess on the jungle dance floor, or at cafe’s with beautiful people.

  4. Falling in Love with Tully, and the first 12 months of our relationship… like an inferno. Super quick, Super intense, and very transformative.

  5. Hosting Couples Retreats in the South West of Australia, and moving the retreats into an Online program for couples. Over the years we worked with hundreds of couples through 1:1 work, retreats, our online program and speaking publicly.

    It was a very fulfilling and fun career and one I still hold passion for though in the depth of early motherhood right now.

  6. Deciding I was, in fact, a writer, an artist, a community creator and a home maker, and that all of those things were beyond valid ways to spend my time and energy.

  7. Being invited into the birth space of two of my friends births, watching my two godsons be born, and witnessing my two friends become mothers.

  8. The night I went into labour with Rafi, having hours of healing conversations with my mother, and feeling generations of dissonance dissolve from my body from the matriarchal line. A conversation I knew had to happen before I became a mother. 8 hours later my waters broke.

My own unmedicated home birth with my son Rafi in 2020. About 8 hours of labor, born in the mid morning light streaming through our home. A day I had dreamt about for years. Then my second Birth of my son Ren in 2023, a quick 3.5 hours overnight, just in time for the sunrise.

Thank you for being here and being apart of my online community.

I also have a Podcast called Mother Maker - it’s for the mother creatives who intuitively make and create alongside motherhood.

SUBSCRIBE and every new edition of this newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

I am so appreciative of your time and energy and giving me a warm hug in this nook of the online world. Thank you, and I hope you find value here xx

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Substack bestseller, writer, mother, & creative. Kat River is a thriving symposium for the Mothers, The Makers and the Mystics. Designed to be an honest exploration of the dance between Motherhood, Creativity, and self inquiry into optimism. Come play


Substack bestseller, mother, writer & creative. Kat River is a weekly publication and community for the Mothers, The Makers & the Mystics. An honest exploration of the dance between Motherhood, Creativity, and self inquiry into optimism. Come play