Jun 14Liked by Kat River

This is blowing my mind WIDE open. I have never read words that felt more true. THANK YOU! for reminding me I’m not alone in feeling that I’m birthing these ideas, that this is a consciousness I can do-create (I love the idea of co-working!) with. Thank you for your generosity, it is truly helping walk me home right now in an incredibly tough season.

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So glad you resonated with this!

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Jun 14Liked by Kat River

“Your ideas will honor your seasons.” My eyes needed to land on those words.

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Welcome back Kat 🥺🥹✨ missed having you here! 🫶🏻

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Hindsight is such a beautiful thing when you can look back and connect the creative dots! The “babe, quick get me a pen” reminds me of something Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in Big Magic (that was my catalyst for understanding creative ideas as living entities that move through us and land to those ready to collaborate). She said that Ruth Stone would be working the fields on her rural farm when she would hear a poem coming towards her. Literally rushing across the landscape like a galloping horse. Then she would run like hell toward the house hoping to get a piece of paper and pencil fast enough to catch it xxx

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